We are Committed to Sustainability
We believe in these guiding principles:
- embedding sustainability practices into the fabric of what we do, ensuring that all levels of the organization are aware of and committed to turning our policy into action
- letting others know about the value we place on sustainability, and helping to support similar values of our clients and those with whom we interact
- striving to comply with and exceed, where practicable, legislation, regulations and codes of practice
- integrating sustainability considerations into all our business decisions
- taking a fresh look at our policy each year, identifying new opportunities to reduce our impact on the environment
- recognizing there is always room for improvement and committing to a long-term horizon of change
Our policy guides our professional behavior as we engage in our work with clients and one another. Specifically, it defines the steps we undertake to conserve, reduce, reuse and recycle, as we:
- consume materials, energy and water
- source and procure products and services
- interact through travel, meetings and various forms of communications
- manage equipment and physical assets